Unruh Fire Brush Trucks are feature loaded and built to your exact specifications. No shortcuts. No cut corners. We build every vehicle knowing that lives depend on our work. That’s why we employ active duty firemen – to tell us exactly what’s important in the heat of battle. Our brush trucks are truly versatile, delivering maximum capability for any situation. And best of all, they’re 100% custom built to your exact needs!
Our heavy brush trucks are on larger chassis capable of carrying up to 1300 gallons, while our work station brush trucks feature a crosswalk for fighting fires from elevated heights – keeping them safe and allowing them to work effectively.
Unruh Fire is the industry leader in custom firetrucks for just one reason – we acknowledge that you know best. Before a single weld is made, we’ll talk with and learn everything we can about what your crew needs. Custom isn’t just a clever word for marketing, it’s what we do. It’s who you are.
They are the most versatile fire apparatuses on the market today. Period. If you let us, we’ll prove it.
Right now is the best time to get started building your custom brush truck. Our team of designers, and AHS certified welders are ready to prove once again why Unruh Fire is the top fire truck manufacturer. Anywhere.
Put our experience to the test. Call us right now to start building your custom fire truck.
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